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Investujte do budoucnosti

Dobrý den,
díky rostoucímu zájmu o odprodej investičních kovů z řad našich klientů a zdlouhavému procesu samotného prodeje a logistice směrem do sléváren jsme byli přinuceni přistoupit ke změnám při vyplácení odkupních smluv.

1) Smlouvu vyplácíme až 50 pracovních dní
2) Smlouvu vyplácíme na 10 až 20 splátek dle celkové částky
3) Klienty neupřednostňujeme, vyplácíme dle stáří smlouvy

Od začátku roku se na nás obrátilo velké množství klientů, kterým jsme vyplatili více než 750 000 000 Kč za drahé investiční kovy. Toto číslo z nás dělá jedničku na trhu a za to Vám děkujeme. Tým ATT Investments CZ SE

The gradual purchase
of metals


The gradual purchase <br>of metals

About PNK

The "PNK" program deals with the gradual purchase of metals. The client chooses a PNK variant and the target amount of bars to purchase. The specification of the precious metal depends on the weight determined by the client as well as the regular financial amount. Over time, the client pays the purchase price of the bars up to the amount of the target sum. The continuously paid for bars are handed over to the client at a predetermined address at the time of payment. This way, the client can manage his/her finances until the target amount is paid. The principle of this service is identical to services such as pension savings, building savings accounts, accumulating money for children, grandchildren, etc. The fundamental difference is that the client accumulates money in precious metals, which are then physically taken and owned. Contact our regional centers for more detailed information.

About PNK


Gold has been and will be here, but in an increasingly limited amount. This makes this precious metal a unique commodity that you can own for as little as €20 per month. You always buy investment gold in the form of bars that you specify in advance. After paying for a specific bar, you physically receive the gold. Do you intend to build certainty and buy gold? Buying gold really is for everyone. It is a great way to save for retirement or create a financial reserve for the future for you and your children. An overview of your installments is available online 24 hours a day on our business portal. There are no penalties for early repayment or for terminating the contract. You can bet on total certainty with gold.


Are you interested in silver, but want to gradually buy physical silver bars? Gradually purchasing metals from ATT Investments offers you an advantageous way of purchasing of silver starting from 20 EUR per month! You can monitor your list of bars that have been paid for 24 hours a day using our online business portal. Investment silver is one of the most popular forms of investment. It is cheaper than investment gold. Start gradually buying silver today.


Advantages of Gradually
Purchasing Metals

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Easy and fast purchase and buyback, gold is not subject to VAT

You protect your property, which you have completely under your physical control

You buy real
physical gold

After paying for the bar, you will
physically receive the gold in your hands

Your money invested in gold will not be threatened by inflation or exchange rate differences

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