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Investujte do budoucnosti

Dobrý den,
díky rostoucímu zájmu o odprodej investičních kovů z řad našich klientů a zdlouhavému procesu samotného prodeje a logistice směrem do sléváren jsme byli přinuceni přistoupit ke změnám při vyplácení odkupních smluv.

1) Smlouvu vyplácíme až 50 pracovních dní
2) Smlouvu vyplácíme na 10 až 20 splátek dle celkové částky
3) Klienty neupřednostňujeme, vyplácíme dle stáří smlouvy

Od začátku roku se na nás obrátilo velké množství klientů, kterým jsme vyplatili více než 750 000 000 Kč za drahé investiční kovy. Toto číslo z nás dělá jedničku na trhu a za to Vám děkujeme. Tým ATT Investments CZ SE


The king of gems



Discover beauty and an investment opportunity! A ruby is a beautiful red gemstone that will seduce you with not only its wide range of shades, but also with its value, which can match the value of diamonds of the same size. Due to its hardness and characteristic color, it is one of the most popular jewels with jewelers. With its enduring value, it is a popular way for investors to diversify their portfolios. Buying rubies is an interesting investment in the future. Due to their limited amount, the price of rubies continues to rise year after year.

I am interested


ATT is a partner of ruby mines in Tanzania, which have a purely Czech ownership structure. We cut rubies in Switzerland and Israel, and the certificates are from leading, internationally recognized gemological laboratories. Rubies are, of course, in the offer in our showrooms, where it is possible to buy a ruby from 0.10 ct. Buy quality rubies from Tanzania from us and come and see them in one of our branches to see if they could be a suitable investment for you. Over the last 10 years, the price of rubies has increased by 59%. It's worth considering, don't you think?



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